Brand Alnasa ; Saving lives, Giving hope to generations. lets get in touch for a real life transformation. I am your servant for service!

Thank you, Alnasa, I will remember you always

From a place of fear to a place of fulfillment, Denis, Emmanuel, the man who is destined to create lyrical sound beats from keyboard is the man I love so much that God used me to Get him to Florida International University( FIU) to pursue his masters degree.

I met Denis through a friend who unfortunately terminated a good and trust worthy relationship I had with him. It was a time I was very down and had no where to go, except to visit this friend. Later, i did not know that things much go bad so that the beauty of the friendship to have with Denis would glorify God. After my friend did everything to destroy my image, Denis came in to stand by me and God begun solving his problem of reaching his dream goal. Knowbody understood him, however, I did the little I could to let him trust his instinct. Later, it came to our notice that he has to travel to USA to further his education.

Denis helped me build a club while he was in Ghana, a situation of inspiring a young group at PIRMPS to gain extra insight into the job market. ( Denis in top blue shirt)

Since that time, he believed in himself the more and came to share every secret with me, even his family's. We built a strong love for each other and I promised him that he would get to USA. When the time came for him, it was like a dream.
 He failed that year to get visa, but the second year, God did it for him. Our friendship continues to grow each day, as God is using him to work on a much bigger assignment for me in USA. 
Denis, where ever you may find yourself, keep dreaming big and never stop moving on, because the world awaits your achievement to celebrate your works....


Become this reality.

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